
Drop In Bestsellers

I'll Have What She's Having

By Chelsea Handler

Hardcover: pr7858632

Pub Date: Feb 2025

In hilarious and tender essays, #1 New York Times bestselling author Chelsea Handler shares her unforgettable story of becoming the woman she always wanted to be.

Surprisingly vulnerable and always outrageous, Chelsea Handler captures the antic-filled, exhilarating, and joyful life she’s built—a life that makes the rest of us think, I’ll have what she’s having.

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Library Bound produces numerous pre-publication lists of material in all media types, subject areas, formats and age levels.  Formats offered include books (both regular and large print) in every available genre and subject area, Audiobooks on CD or MP3, Graphic Novels for children and adults, Fiction and Non-Fiction DVDs and Blu-Rays for children and adults, Video Games, Music CDs and music scores for children and adults.

Library Bound produces an Early Readers list following the release of the LBI KIDS bestseller list every Spring, Fall and Winter of each year.

The Early Readers lists are selected by Kate King, Print Assistant and Children’s & YA Collection Development Specialist. Kate has an Honours English Degree as well as a Bachelor of Education from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Library Bound produces a Board Books list following the release of the LBI KIDS bestseller list every Spring, Fall and Winter of each year.

The Board Books lists are selected by Kate King, Print Assistant and Children’s & YA Collection Development Specialist. Kate has an Honours English Degree as well as a Bachelor of Education from Wilfrid Laurier University.


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