
Drop In Bestsellers

The Prince: The Turbulent Reign of Justin Trudeau

By Stephen Maher

Hardcover: pr7662365

Pub Date: May 2024

The first comprehensive biography of Justin Trudeau as prime minister—an honest, compelling story of his government’s triumphs and failures, based on interviews with over 200 insiders and Trudeau himself.

The Prince takes readers behind the curtain as the government goes from triumph to embarrassment and back again, revealing the people, the conflicts, and the struggles both in the government and on the opposition benches. Above all, it traces why this ambitious government led by a global media darling is now so unpopular it is in danger of imminent collapse.

AV Current Releases


DVD: av7643760
Blu-Ray: av7643761

DVD: av7670233
Blu-Ray: av7670235

DVD: av7681275
Blu-Ray: av7681276

CD: av7691712

CD: av7702868

CD: av7682495


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